Monday, April 24, 2006
today just had my first paper for this sem. not really that bad. but still, too early to judge. im looking forward to holiday, though will be working for VIP. starts the week following my last paper. i wanna go overseas!! i'm hoping for more stuff..wQ|n9y at 8:53 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
心情不是很棒,也不是很糟。却总说不出什么所以然。 大概是种种原因造成吧:考试啦,补习啦,一些反琐的事啦,所制造的压力啰。很不是滋味。以为补习可以带来一些减压的功效,谁知我的这个学生却让我气到死气活来。昨晚把他骂到狗血淋头,还以为老虎不发威就是病猫。一直把四支脚的椅子当作两支脚的rocking chair. 从来没有对我的任何一个学生那么凶过,他是第一个例外。才小学四年级,脾气暴躁得能和现在的我不分上下了。哈哈。唉!想当年,我哪里敢对我的补习老师发脾气!时代确实不一样了,现在的小孩不好惹。被他惹火了,回到家又感觉疲惫不堪,但又是觉得好笑。补习也可以是一种发泄的管道。三小时就这样流逝了,一天二十四小时真的不够啊!
左一句怨言右一句怨言,感觉好像一个闷葫芦。啊啊....... 我要呐喊!我要奔驰!我要...我要... ...
wQ|n9y at 10:18 AM
Friday, April 14, 2006
chan may khawcay phuu chaay nan khit ?aray kha. right things dun happen at the right time; wrong things happen at the wrong time, thuuk may kha. something may dii nit ncy happened wan nii tccn yen. chan may sabaay. chan ciin yaak ca ruu khaw khit ?aray kha. chan ca mii wee laa ruu khit khaw cot maay. chan yaak ca duu tee wee, leew laang caak nii pay hcng nccn. sawatdii kha =)wQ|n9y at 12:53 AM